To love, know
and proclaim
Jesus Christ.


Senior Minister


Reverend Nigel Parker


0410 263 682


Rest Day: Monday






Office Telephone: (02) 4295 1321




Facebook: stpauls.shellharbour


Youtube: St Pauls Shellharbour


As God’s family, we love welcoming visitors … so please join us! 

We’re a community of diverse people at different stages of our relationship with God. Some are just starting in their relationship with God, and some have been around for decades! We’d love you to join us as we together get to know God and His Son, Jesus.

St Paul’s Anglican Church Shellharbour is located in Shellharbour Village, at the corner of Wentworth and Towns Streets, not far from the village centre. There is some parking on the southern front lawn of the church property, and there is generally good street parking around the property.    

We look forward to seeing you soon!!

For queries contact Nigel Parker, the Senior Minister, on 0410 263 682.


Our regular Sunday services are…



Prayer Book Service
(Lord’s Supper: first and third Sunday of the month;
Morning Prayer: second and fourth Sunday of the month).
After the service, morning tea is served in the church hall.



Family Service
Family Service with Kid’s Church (crèche facilities available)
(Lord’s Supper: first Sunday of the month).
After the service, morning tea is served in the church hall.



We hold special services for Easter and Christmas and also offer other services by arrangement, such as Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals    (please click through for details).


Come and join us at one of our services… we would love to see you!!       And join us on Facebook