Senior Minister –
Reverend Nigel Parker
Hi, I’m Nigel Parker, the senior minister here at St Paul’s Anglican Church Shellharbour… thanks for visiting our website. I am married to the lovely Lyndal, and we have two great kids – Jake and Lily. I began ministering here around Christmas 2010, having been assistant minister at Kiama Anglican for four years before that. I have had varied career – having worked in mass production, social services, finance and tour-guiding around the world, and I have spent probably too much time in tertiary education! I have known Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour for many years now, and He has been and continues to be so gracious and kind to me. So, as well as loving and getting to know Jesus better from his word, the Bible, I love spending time with my great family; fellow shipping with my brothers and sisters here at St Paul’s; trying to find time to go surfing; Thai food; and the satisfaction that comes after mowing the lawn.